The environmental education in the students of the specialidad welding in Pinar del Río

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Vadim Aguilar Hernández
Rubén Menejia Bey


The environmental impact of the welding process during learning in the specialized area as well as the exercise of practice for obtaining working qualification in the labor entity students welding specialty in Pinar del Rio has been of interest to the author of this research. The research is the methodological basis dialectical materialist method. From the results obtained it was concluded the need to train a qualified among others show their professional performance in attitudes towards environmental care worker.


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How to Cite
Aguilar Hernández, V., & Menejia Bey, R. (2017). The environmental education in the students of the specialidad welding in Pinar del Río. Mendive. Journal on Education, 15(1), 99–109. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Vadim Aguilar Hernández, Universidad de Pinar del Río “Hermanos Saíz Monte de Oca”

Licenciado en Educación. Especialidad “Construcción de Maquinarias”. Máster en Ciencias de la Educación. Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Profesor  Auxiliar.

Rubén Menejia Bey, Centro Politécnico “Julio Díaz González”.

Licenciado en Construccion de Maquinarias. Profesor de Soldadura


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