Procedure for characterizing the cognitive sphere of students

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Carlos Luis Fernández Peña
Luis Enrique Martínez Zamora
Juan García Gálvez
Caridad Estrada Rodríguez


In our experience as consultants Methodology in the province of Pinar del Rio and as teachers of the Pedagogical University, we have found that in many cases the progress of a group of students does not correspond to the theoretical and educational level of teachers in the subject. The causes are not be addressed in full in an article, so we will limit ourselves today to deepen the procedure to be followed by the teacher to the direction of the diagnostic process of learning at different levels of education. This proposal is a different style in the direction of learning.


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How to Cite
Fernández Peña, C. L., Martínez Zamora, L. E., García Gálvez, J., & Estrada Rodríguez, C. (2002). Procedure for characterizing the cognitive sphere of students. Mendive. Journal on Education, 1(1), 49–54. Retrieved from


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