Promoting lifestyles. Challenge and necessity Current Cuban University

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Manuel Vento Ruizcalderon
Mayra Ordaz Hernández
Diana Belkis Hernández


The research deals with the study of the lifestyles as a social process, university students' behaviors and population's groups, that participate in the university life for the satisfaction of the human necessities, and in this way to reach the well-being and quality of life, starting from the formation of an integral promoter of health. This article is based in the university social responsibility as politics of ethical quality of the university community (students, professors and administrative personnel) through the responsible administration for the educational impacts that the university generates in its participative dialogue with the society to promote a sustainable development.


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How to Cite
Vento Ruizcalderon, M., Ordaz Hernández, M., & Belkis Hernández, D. (2013). Promoting lifestyles. Challenge and necessity Current Cuban University. Mendive. Journal on Education, 12(1), 30–35. Retrieved from


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