A decade of international collaboration between Illinois College and the University of Pinar del Río
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Cooperation as a joint work action between university institutions, from the local, regional and global levels, is oriented towards objectives that demonstrate the capacity to work in favor of institutional and academic strengthening and social transformation on the basis of efficiency, respect, solidarity, shared commitment and responsibility. This proposal presents the actions for the establishment and execution of relations between U.S. and Cuban universities and the main results obtained during 10 years of uninterrupted cooperation, with centralized coordination and organization in pairs for research as the main working procedures. The origin of cooperation, its evolution and results are described; specific and characteristic elements regulated in a procedure are identified. International cooperation is increasingly essential for the development of universities, as it contributes to raising the quality of education and supports institutions in meeting the demands of society in an increasingly interconnected world. The experience of managing and implementing the program of cooperation between the institutions highlighted in this article has led to innovative strategies, which can be effectively applied to other international collaborations.
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