Skills related to the operationalization of variables in university curricular research
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The methodology of scientific research constitutes one of the pillars of university teaching, in the formulation of technical solutions to various scientific and professional problems. The identification and operationalization of variables is one of the guiding threads of the research process, and the development of skills for this purpose is vital. The objective of the work was to carry out an analysis of the improvement of research skills related to the operationalization of variables in students of the Pedagogy of National and Foreign Languages and Pedagogy of Experimental Sciences, Computer Science careers of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences at the Central University of Ecuador, during the second academic period of the year 2023. A mixed research with a transversal design was developed, using theoretical methods such as historical and systemic and empirical methods such as: observation, through a questionnaire; measurement with non-parametric descriptive and inferential statistics; and a quasi-experiment with the application during the academic period, of a program in which the content of variables was considered as a guiding and integrating axis of the rest of the content. The measurement carried out before the application of the program (pretest) indicated average levels in all the parameters considered in the questionnaire, which improved in the posttest, with significant differences in most based on the Wilcoxon signed rank test. The management of the variables as a guiding and integrating axis of the teaching of the subject of Scientific Research Methodology was positive in the group of selected students.
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