Methodological proposal to tackle the Visual Basic program in senior high schools of Pinar del Rio. (First part)

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Manuel Pereira Rosa
Noel Páez Noda
Milagros del Pilar Alea Días


A proposed dosage for the contents to be addressed in the teaching of traditional programming languages in the pre-university level, methodological for treatment suggestions as well as a system of exercises in correspondence with the changes that take is offered in this article out at school, which may constitute material support for the planning, execution and control of the teaching process in this subject.


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How to Cite
Pereira Rosa, M., Páez Noda, N., & Alea Días, M. del P. (2003). Methodological proposal to tackle the Visual Basic program in senior high schools of Pinar del Rio. (First part). Mendive. Journal on Education, 1(3), 192–196. Retrieved from


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