Study of initial training for attention to diversity in pedagogical careers

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Annia María Márquez Valdés
Elimey Dominguez Hernandez
Maribel Denis Marquez


The ideal of social justice for all is an aspiration of Cuban education; To achieve this purpose, graduates of pedagogical careers must form, from undergraduate, the knowledge, professional skills and ethical-moral values that allow them to direct a quality teaching-learning process adjusted to the wide diversity of students who attend their classrooms. As part of the second result presented by the institutional research project "Professional training, for the exercise of teaching directed to the attention of the diversity of students, from the educational process" this article is presented. Its objective is to socialize among researchers and professors of Higher Education the results of the real state of initial teacher training for the attention to the diversity of students from the educational process in the careers Degree in Education Spanish-literature and Degree in Artistic Education. Among the theoretical methods, the analytical-synthetic, the inductive-deductive and the historical-logical were used; as empirical methods, documentary analysis, interviews with students and teachers. In addition, descriptive statistics and percentage analysis were used to process the data obtained with the application of the instruments during the diagnostic stage. The research carried out revealed deficiencies in the design of the training of the careers as the most significant results; in the theoretical, methodological and practical preparation of teachers; as well as in the levels of information and attitudes towards the educational diversity of the students.


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How to Cite
Márquez Valdés, A. M., Dominguez Hernandez, E., & Denis Marquez, M. (2023). Study of initial training for attention to diversity in pedagogical careers. Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(3), e3344. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Annia María Márquez Valdés, Universidad de Sancti Spíritus José Martí Pérez

Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación. Profesor principal auxiliar en el departamento educación especial logopedia, jefa de disciplina principal integradora formación laboral investigativa

Elimey Dominguez Hernandez, Universidad de Sancti Spíritus José Martí Pérez

Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Profesora Principal Titular. Jefa de carrera Educación preescolar en el CUM de Cabaiguan, perteneciente a la Universidad de Sancti Spíritus José Martí Pérez

Maribel Denis Marquez, Universidad de Sancti Spíritus José Martí Pérez

Master en Ciencias de la Educación. Profesora Principal Auxiliar en el departamento Educación especial-logopedia. Jefa de carrera Licenciatura en Educación Logopedia


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