The pedagogical paradigm "learning to learn" and the historical-cultural approach: contact points

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Vilma María Pérez Viñas


The objective of this article is to offer the readers an analysis of some common grounds that might exist between the Cultural-Historical Approach and the Pedagogical Paradigm “Learn to Learn”, according to the author’s viewpoints. The intellectual exercise on th is issue is valid considering the promotion of research es that are based on both theories. The article’s organization covers the theoretical importance, the historical context and need for emergence, as well as the relationship between the Cultural-Historical Approach and the Pedagogical Paradigm “Learn to Learn”.


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How to Cite
Pérez Viñas, V. M. (2008). The pedagogical paradigm "learning to learn" and the historical-cultural approach: contact points. Mendive. Journal on Education, 6(4), 242–246. Retrieved from


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