The working system of "Rafael María de Mendive" of Pinar del Río Pedagogical Institute: Systemic analysis of its operation. (First part)

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Arturo Pulido Díaz
Oharys Alonso Pérez
Anaysa de la Caridad Hernández Cervera


The first part of this article offers the theoretical basis to make a systemic analysis of the work system at “Rafael María de Mendive” Higher Pedagogical Institute of Pinar del Río. The systemic analysis foresees the development of a diagnosis of the current situation of the work system for designing the intervention in a way that allows an efficient management of first line managers at the Institute.


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How to Cite
Pulido Díaz, A., Alonso Pérez, O., & Hernández Cervera, A. de la C. (2007). The working system of "Rafael María de Mendive" of Pinar del Río Pedagogical Institute: Systemic analysis of its operation. (First part). Mendive. Journal on Education, 5(4), 265–271. Retrieved from


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