Learning styles in virtual teaching in university students

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Carlos Francisco Albornoz Jiménez
Liliana Abelina Silarayan Ruiz
Manuel Alberto Hidalgo Tupia


The present work has an objective identify which learning styles predominate in the Statistics course, virtual university modality, third cycle. The study is quantitative and cross-sectional. For this, the CHAEA test was applied to 269 students from the Norbert Wiener University of Lima through the student's virtual platform. A descriptive analysis was carried out with the SPSS 24. The normality test of the scores obtained in each style was also applied and for the inferential analysis the non-parametric tests of Friedman and the Mann Whitney U were used. The highest average score was the Reflective style with 15.8 and the lowest was the Active style with 12.1 (p <0.01). When evaluating the score of each student, the most predominant styles were Reflective (43.5%) and Theoretical (21.9%). Likewise, a predominance in pairs of two styles was observed: Reflective-Theoretical (11.5%). A higher percentage of moderate preference was found in the Active, Reflective and Theoretical styles and a High preference in the Pragmatic style. There were no significant differences when comparing the styles by gender, faculty and type of student (validating and regular). In students under 20 years of age, the highest average was the Active style (12.7); while the Reflective style obtained the highest average in each gender, faculty, type of student and age group. The reliability of the CHAEA measured by the Kuder-Richardson coefficient was 0.803 and between the styles, 0.536 to 0.629.


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How to Cite
Albornoz Jiménez, C. F., Silarayan Ruiz, L. A., & Hidalgo Tupia, M. A. (2022). Learning styles in virtual teaching in university students. Mendive. Journal on Education, 20(1), 83–92. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/2592
Author Biographies

Carlos Francisco Albornoz Jiménez, Universidad Norbert Wiener

Docente de Estadística de Estudios Generales de la Universidad Norbert Wiener

Liliana Abelina Silarayan Ruiz, Universidad Wiener

Docente de Comunicación de Estudios Generales de la Universidad Norbert Wiener

Manuel Alberto Hidalgo Tupia, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Docente de Economía y Metodología de la Investigación


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