Nutritional education from Molecular and Cellular Biology

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Zaida Ramona Betancourt Betancourt
Ángel Caridad Lugo Blanco
Concepción Álvarez Yong


The nutritional education is current topic, constituting a necessity in the contemporary world, given mainly by the contribution that it makes in maintaining the human health under good conditions. Starting from this problem, it is presented this article whose objective is: to show the potential ities that the discipline Cellular and Molecular Biology offers, for the treatment of these contents, since this discipline is worked in the second semester of first year and first semester of in the formation of professors of the Biology - Geography and Bio logy - C hemistry careers which can contribute to the development of knowledge, habits and abilities that allows them to appropriate of responsible behaviours for the achievement of correct nutritional habits.


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How to Cite
Betancourt Betancourt, Z. R., Lugo Blanco, Ángel C., & Álvarez Yong, C. (2014). Nutritional education from Molecular and Cellular Biology. Mendive. Journal on Education, 13(1), 77–83. Retrieved from


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