Family: critical pathway in the emotional development of the child in the first year of life

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Nancy Amor Pérez
María Victoria Díaz Martínez


In this article, some considerations are explicit about the role of the family in the most sensitive period of life, the first year. It highlights the changes that have occurred in this educational agency today and its impact on child development, with emphasis on socio - affective area. It is a lso emphasized the stimulatin g role that everyone in the household must meet with the child, indicating affection as the fundamental nutrient not only to the physical development but also the psychological development of the child, since the leadership activity of the age is the emoti onal communication with the adult.


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How to Cite
Amor Pérez, N., & Díaz Martínez, M. V. (2013). Family: critical pathway in the emotional development of the child in the first year of life. Mendive. Journal on Education, 11(3), 291–307. Retrieved from


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