The method shaft projects integrator in the process of forming the teaching mode interdisciplinary performance at the initial stage

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Beatriz Páez Rodríguez
Ana Margarita González Ortega
Oneida Marín Cándano


In this article is approached the practical viability of the method of projects for the contribution to the process of formation in the professional, pedagogic and interdisciplinary way of acting in the initial stage of the trainee teachers, which is inserted in the professional formation in the curricular and in the extracurricular field, so that the formation of the student be integral and inside the context.


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How to Cite
Páez Rodríguez, B., González Ortega, A. M., & Marín Cándano, O. (2010). The method shaft projects integrator in the process of forming the teaching mode interdisciplinary performance at the initial stage. Mendive. Journal on Education, 8(3), 169–174. Retrieved from


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