The teaching of logarithmic equations. Preparation for college entrance examinations

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Carlos Manuel Caraballo Carmona
Reinaldo Meléndez Ruiz
Leydis Iglesias Triana


In the process of teaching and learning Mathematics at the pre-university level, difficulties related to logarithmic equations have been identified among students. Addressing this issue is crucial to ensure a solid foundation. The objective of this article is to present a specific procedure to promote effective learning of logarithmic equations in pre-university education. The study was conducted between 2020 and 2024 at the "Federico Engels" Pre-University Institute in Pinar del Río. The research employed theoretical methods such as historical-logical analysis, along with empirical methods including document analysis, interviews, and classroom observations. The main outcome was a methodological procedure specifically designed to tackle logarithmic equations in the pre-university context, emphasizing the use of different content variants and individualized attention to students. The procedure was based on prior diagnosis and a preventive approach. The conclusions highlight common challenges faced by students when solving logarithmic equations, emphasizing the importance of consistent practice and application of learned properties.


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How to Cite
Caraballo Carmona , C. M., Meléndez Ruiz, R., & Iglesias Triana, L. (2024). The teaching of logarithmic equations. Preparation for college entrance examinations. Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(2), e3835. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Reinaldo Meléndez Ruiz, University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Cuba

Licenciado en Eduación, especialidad Matemática. Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Profesor Titular. Máster en Psicología Educativa. Máster en Educación.


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