Digital competencies and attitude towards research in aspiring elementary school teachersng elementary school teachers

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Graciela Monroy Correa
Yolanda Chuye Coronado


The aim of the research was to identify the relationship between digital competencies and attitude towards research in students from the Faculty of Education of a public university in Lima. The research design was non-experimental, cross-sectional correlational. The sample consisted of 212 undergraduate students. The method used was survey plus two instruments to collect information: Students' Digital Competence Scale (SDiCoS), which consisted of 6 components (Tzafilkou and Perifanou, 2022) and the Attitude towards Research Scale (EACIN), consisting of 28 items grouped in three dimensions (Aldana, et al., 2020). The results showed that there is a statistically significant relationship between digital competencies and students' attitude towards research. Likewise, a direct and positive relationship was found between the dimensions "disinterest in research and search and storage of information" and "vocation for research and content creation". The research concluded that, while digital competencies are related to the attitude towards research, their development might be influenced by other factors such as initial research training, motivation and the use of materials and resources that allow students to value research more.


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Monroy Correa, G., & Chuye Coronado, Y. (2024). Digital competencies and attitude towards research in aspiring elementary school teachersng elementary school teachers. Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(2), e3675. Retrieved from


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