Some theoretical considerations about the importance of teaching spelling

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Moraima Pérez Barrera
Marialina García Escobio
Teresa Iglesias Hernández


This article presents some theoretical considerations about teaching orthography and its importance in new teacher ’s formation, so that the teaching of orthography is characterized by a centered approach, treating contents with a self centered goal and not integrated or contextualized; it is also given some teachers’ difficulties at the time of treating orthography, due to the lack of knowledge of the new aspects of the communicative approach, which leads to reflection, metacognition and self regulation to reach an excellent orthographic competence, which demands a creative teacher, able to develop the necessary designs centered on students’ needs.


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How to Cite
Pérez Barrera, M., García Escobio, M., & Iglesias Hernández, T. (2009). Some theoretical considerations about the importance of teaching spelling. Mendive. Journal on Education, 7(2), 135–139. Retrieved from


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