Relationship between emotional competences and self-regulated learning in students of general studies of a private university in Lima

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Elizabeth Cosi Cruz
Carlos Alberto Peña Miranda
Liliana Abelina Silarayan Ruiz
Edward Espinosa Herrera
Alex Armando Cruz Huallpara


The development of emotional competencies has become a priority in the educational field at all levels, as it allows improving the aspirational level of university students, in addition to allowing an efficient development of their learning strategies. From this point of view, the main objective of this research was to determine the connection between emotional competencies and self-regulated learning in a sample of general studies students at Norbert Wiener University. A non-experimental correlational design was achieved, with a sample of 344 subjects, to whom two questionnaires were applied to evaluate each of the variables. These instruments were evaluated and the statistical results showed consistent levels of validity and reliability. The data that was produced was processed statistically and it was limited that the variables were found to be significantly linked (r = 0.67 p < .001), so the first research hypothesis was accepted. The specific analyzes show that the areas of both variables are also significantly linked, which is why it is concluded that all the specific hypotheses that were formulated are accepted in the present investigation.


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How to Cite
Cosi Cruz, E., Peña Miranda, C. A., Silarayan Ruiz, L. A., Espinosa Herrera, E., & Cruz Huallpara, A. A. (2023). Relationship between emotional competences and self-regulated learning in students of general studies of a private university in Lima. Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(1), e3259. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Elizabeth Cosi Cruz, Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener

Docente de Estrategias para Estudio Universitario

Carlos Alberto Peña Miranda, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Docente de Matemática

Liliana Abelina Silarayan Ruiz, Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener

Docente de Comunicación

Edward Espinosa Herrera, Universidad nacional Federico Villarreal

Docente de Teoría Literaria

Alex Armando Cruz Huallpara, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Docente de Matemática


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