The playful activity through Information and Communication Technologies in the subject Agrarian Law

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Jorge Gual


The professors of the University of Sancti Spíritus "José Martí Pérez", go through a process of modernization and improvement of their training methods in the Law Degree career. The professors of the Department of Law of that same university, have determined a lack in the subject Agrarian Law, as there is little information sought by students related to the content of the subject, through the efficient use of technologies. The objective of this article is to present the playful activity through Information and Communication Technologies as a didactic tool that allows students to develop skills in the search for information related to the content of the Agrarian Law subject. The model used is the case study since a specific sample is analyzed in the Law Degree. This is a research based on the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative ones in the form of participatory observations, and the quantitative ones obtained from semi-structured interviews, their study and description of the documentation. The result is a system of tasks as a recreational activity through Information and Communication Technologies in the subject Agrarian Law. The main conclusion that can be reached is that recreational activities through the use of Information and Communication Technologies are of the utmost importance to develop society and in particular to improve the training of the Law Degree professional.


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How to Cite
Gual, J. (2023). The playful activity through Information and Communication Technologies in the subject Agrarian Law. Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(1), e3064. Retrieved from


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