Glossary of idioms. Its impact on motivation and speaking skill in English/Glosario de frases idiomáticas. Su impacto en la motivación y la expresión oral en inglés

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Mabel Diaz Beune
Luis Mijares Núñez


Idioms play an important role to achieve motivation with the aim of developing the speaking skill. However, the use of idioms is limited in the teaching -learning process of English in the teaching unit "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" Surgical and Clinical Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine "Ernesto Che Guevara de la Serna" from Pinar del Río. With the aim to increasing the levels of motivation towards the learning of English and to developing the speaking skill in English of the nursing students of this teaching faculty a glossary of idioms using terms related to parts of the human body was elaborated, as well as exemplary conversations to learn and practice them. A guide of scientific observation and a pedagogical test were used in this work to evaluate the impact of the methodological procedure for the communicative teaching of the glossary, in the levels of motivation towards the learning of English and in the developing of the speaking skill. The practice of the idioms with terms related to the parts of the human body, seem to influence positively on their levels of motivation towards the learning of English and the speaking skill in English. Ninety-five percent of the students developed their speaking skill in English, when they could communicate orally and when they could make transpositions of the exemplary conversations elaborate.


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Diaz Beune, M., & Mijares Núñez, L. (2021). Glossary of idioms. Its impact on motivation and speaking skill in English/Glosario de frases idiomáticas. Su impacto en la motivación y la expresión oral en inglés. Mendive. Journal on Education, 19(3), 837–847. Retrieved from


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