Develop cognitive skills in students from teaching questions as didactic strategies

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Marisol del Carmen Alvarez Cisternas


The article describes how outstanding teachers through their questions, can develop cognitive skills in their students. The research was carried out, from a qualitative methodological approach, of a descriptive nature with a non-experimental design with an intrinsic case study, since the interactions through the questions formulated in classes, between teacher and students of the subject of Language and Communication of fourth and fifth year of basic education according to Chilean legislation. The results show that teachers, through the questions they ask in class, stimulate in their students, preferably the development of rote memory skills, with questions that promote low cognitive demand prevailing, over higher level cognitive skills.


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How to Cite
Alvarez Cisternas, M. del C. (2020). Develop cognitive skills in students from teaching questions as didactic strategies. Mendive. Journal on Education, 18(4), 857–867. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Marisol del Carmen Alvarez Cisternas, Universidad Arturo Prat Universidad Andrés Bello

Facultad de educación Docente Postgrados


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