Self-esteem in the indigenous culture of Mexico chatina

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Rodolfo Acosta Padrón


It is presented an attempt to come closer to the self esteem of Indians speaking Chatino language and culture, living in Zenzontepec, Sierra Sur of Oaxaca, México. By means of oral interview in informal conversations, administered to 208 subjects, the rate of self-esteem in chatino Indians is revealed. And by means of direct observation (in citus) and consulting inhabitant subjects, the causes and effects of insane self esteem are determined, and how this ill self esteem influences negatively on the social projects intended to improve the integral development of the region. The conclusion is that there is correlation between self esteem levels and the real and spiritual living conditions, and that selfesteem may be cause or effect of the individual and the ethnic and social group’s attitude and behavoring


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How to Cite
Acosta Padrón, R. (2006). Self-esteem in the indigenous culture of Mexico chatina. Mendive. Journal on Education, 4(2), 110–117. Retrieved from


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