Didactic model for the aesthetic formation of the student of Marxism-Leninism and History

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Yohany Peralta Pèrez
Beatriz Páez Rodríguez
Lidia Cira Carbonell Izquierdo


The aesthetic formation of the professionals of education and in particular of the students of the Marxism-Leninism and History career constitutes an aspect to be dealt with in their initial formation in order to guarantee a teacher who responds to the demands of the professional model, in accordance with the current needs and with the role played by this teacher as the driving force of the politics of the Communist Party of Cuba. For such reasons, it was stated as objective, to propose a Didactic model for the aesthetic formation of the students of Marxism-Leninism and History of the University of Pinar del Río, so that it contributed to their sensibility and spirituality. The proposed pattern showed as novel element the correlation between the aesthetic categories and the component of the teaching- learning process in the disciplines of the historical cycle in function of its social responsibility; it was implemented in the practice starting from a didactic strategy that implied the teachers and students. Theoretical, empirical and statistical-mathematical methods were used.  The evaluation of the scientific result was carried out by means of the application of the methods: experts' approach and the experiment, in their pre experiment variant, which results endorsed their scientific validity. The didactic model propitiated the use of the potentialities of the disciplines of the historical cycle as a space for the experiences exchange from the aesthetic and historical knowledge; in function of the cultivation of the sensibility and the spirituality.


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How to Cite
Peralta Pèrez, Y., Páez Rodríguez, B., & Carbonell Izquierdo, L. C. (2019). Didactic model for the aesthetic formation of the student of Marxism-Leninism and History. Mendive. Journal on Education, 17(2), 193–203. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/1524
Author Biographies

Yohany Peralta Pèrez, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"

Profesora del Departamento carrera Marxismo Leninismo e Historia. Profesora Principal Auxiliar. Especialista en Historia Universal y en Temas de Estética

Beatriz Páez Rodríguez, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"

Profesora Titular. Especilista en Formación Pedagógica general

Lidia Cira Carbonell Izquierdo, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"

Departamento carrera Marxismo Leninismo e Historia. Profesora Principal Auxiliar. Especilista en Filosofía Marxista, Estética Marxista y Lógica


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