The overcoming of the primary teachers in the realization of the curricular adaptations

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Yosniel Estévez Arias


In the present article an important topic in Cuban education was addressed: the permanent formation of primary teachers in the context of educational inclusion. The objective of the work was directed to the proposal of a strategy of overcoming Primary Education teachers in the realization of curricular adaptations for students with intellectual disabilities, in conditions of educational inclusion. During the course of the investigation, theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were applied to collect, interpret and process the information related to the subject in question. As a result, the proposal elaborated on the basis of the systemic combination of several forms of organization consistent with the theoretical assumptions of Advanced Education is a response to the needs presented by teachers of Primary Education in the realization of curricular adaptations. The same is considered novel, meanwhile, the main guidelines of this process are offered in correspondence with the current demands imposed by the educational inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities in the achievement of a quality education for all.


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How to Cite
Estévez Arias, Y. (2019). The overcoming of the primary teachers in the realization of the curricular adaptations. Mendive. Journal on Education, 17(1), 20–33. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Yosniel Estévez Arias, Departamento de Educación Especial de la Facultad de Educación Infantil. Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"

Licenciado en Educación Especial, Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas, Máster en Educación Especial


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