The teaching of English focused on the student in the Cuenca Catolic University, located in Sede Cañar, in Ecuador

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Haydee Díaz Rodríguez


This article contains the results from the author´s experiences in creating a new culture of learning English at the Catholic University of Cuenca, Sede Cañar, in Ecuador. This has led to the management of a teaching-learning process centered on the students, their cognitive and affective needs, through interactive task which offer opportunities to reflect on the structure of the language system and to interact using it in every day communicative situations close to their profession.


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How to Cite
Díaz Rodríguez, H. (2015). The teaching of English focused on the student in the Cuenca Catolic University, located in Sede Cañar, in Ecuador. Mendive. Journal on Education, 13(3), 346–354. Retrieved from


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