Let's clarify things, is so easy that students in junior high and investigate solve problems in science?

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Sergio García Bertot
Aldalina Cruz Prado
Roberto I. Morejón


Problem solving is highly valued by teachers; however, its implementation in the classroom is scarce. To make problem solving a daily or at least a quite frequent practice in the reality of our classrooms is really (although very attractive) an activity that collides with numerous barriers. From the definition of problem it is already viewed that its implementation in school environment as pretense to achieve significant learning, and therefore, more effective learning, it has to transcend the everyday activity. In this article it is presented the scientific backgrounds that are necessary to consider the successful
implementation of problem solving in the area of natural sciences of Secondary School.


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How to Cite
García Bertot, S., Cruz Prado, A., & Morejón, R. I. (2005). Let’s clarify things, is so easy that students in junior high and investigate solve problems in science?. Mendive. Journal on Education, 3(2), 99–105. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/80


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