Sistematization of the function concept. A need of its adequation in the Math syllabus in the current cuban school

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Carlos Manuel Caraballo Carmona
Francisco Lázaro García Fernández


In the current article a systematization of the function concept exposed in different courses of math analysis is being made , as well as the mode this concept is treated in mathematics subject in the nowadays school cuban context, reflecting and giving arguments about new posit ions about defining, with the objective of achieving coherence and systematization with other properties which characterize the functions studied in mathematics subject in the current days in the junior and general junior teaching in Cuba.


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How to Cite
Caraballo Carmona, C. M., & García Fernández, F. L. (2015). Sistematization of the function concept. A need of its adequation in the Math syllabus in the current cuban school. Mendive. Journal on Education, 13(4), 421–426. Retrieved from


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