Vulgarisms, dialectical variants, lexical localism or poetic license?

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Carmen de las Nieves Ramos García
Ana Delia Barrera Jiménez
Alina Gutiérrez Duartes


This article approaches the hierarchic organization of language as a system of linguistic symbols constantly affected by changes and evolution, seen from the perspective of the phonological level in which the random phonetic changes, the so called rare or rebel voices have become sorts of phonetic changes, and there is an inventory of phenomena, the same phenomena, analyzed differently, and for the history of the language, these phenomena differ from the common phonetic changes only for statistical reasons.


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How to Cite
Ramos García, C. de las N., Barrera Jiménez, A. D., & Gutiérrez Duartes, A. (2013). Vulgarisms, dialectical variants, lexical localism or poetic license?. Mendive. Journal on Education, 12(1), 23–29. Retrieved from


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