Strategy for emotional self-regulation in virtual learning environments

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Diana Fernanda Carchipulla Choco
María Eufemia Benítez Herrera
María Lucía Campoverde Cárdenas
Hendy Maier Pérez Barrera


Emotional self-regulation is essential in education, both in-person and online, for the academic performance and well-being of students. Accordingly, the Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador uses Moodle as a virtual environment, but does not have a specific space for students' emotional self-regulation. Therefore, the following general objective was proposed: to design an emotional self-regulation strategy that favors academic performance in virtual learning environments for students of the Master's in Education. Consequently, a mixed research was carried out, combining elements of quantitative and qualitative research. The quantitative research involved surveys to measure emotional self-regulation and academic performance of students in the virtual learning environment. Meanwhile, the qualitative research included interviews with teachers and experts to understand experiences and challenges. The population was 1,650 students, selecting a non-probabilistic sample of 52 students from the master's degree. The categories used were emotional self-regulation and academic performance, subdivided into dimensions such as emotional state and adopted strategies. Scales and open questions were considered to measure the categories. The results included a positive relationship between emotional self-regulation and academic performance. Therefore, a strategy was generated for the inclusion of a section in the subjects, focused on emotional self-regulation in virtual learning environments, to improve the academic performance and emotional well-being of the master's students. The importance of validating the proposed strategy through feedback from experts was highlighted.


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Carchipulla Choco , D. F., Benítez Herrera, M. E., Campoverde Cárdenas, M. L., & Pérez Barrera, H. M. (2025). Strategy for emotional self-regulation in virtual learning environments . Mendive. Journal on Education, 23(1), e3721. Retrieved from


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