Actions to promote literary reading through Information and Communications Technologies
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This paper recognizes the use of information and communication technologies as a pedagogical alternative for the promotion of literary reading; however, careers such as the Bachelor's Degree in Sociocultural Management for Development, of the University of Pinar del Río Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca, present deficiencies in the effective switching of the literary reading mode of their students towards digital environments, which is paradoxical when having in its curricular design subjects whose approach is made from literature and the consultation of the digital book is a valid proposal. In this sense, this article aims to design a set of actions for the promotion of literary reading through the use of information and communication technologies for these students. In the research, the dialectical materialist method was assumed as a philosophical basis and theoretical methods such as historical-logical, analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction and modeling and empirical methods such as document analysis, survey and SWOT matrix were applied to provide a clear diagnosis. It was concluded that the proposed actions favor the gradual and effective transition of literary reading to digital environments and favored the promotion of this appropriate to technological media.
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