The use of Google drive and the production of written texts in students of a national university, 2023

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Beatriz Hortencia Caballero Montero
Fernando Pachas Velez
Vera Esperanza Caballero Montero
Liliana Abelina Silarayan Ruiz


During the pandemic, the quarantine actively promoted, on Google dirve, collaborative work among university students. This tool allowed not only to share documents online, but also to modify them in real time, as well as create folders, files, among others. The objective of the research was to determine the perception between the use and management of the Google Drive application and the production of academic texts in students of various majors at a national university. For this, two questionnaires were used to measure both variables: Google drive and textual production. The results showed that there is a direct and significant relationship between the perception of the use of Google drive and the improvement in the production of texts in the students of a national university, 2023. In conclusion, the students improved their textual production using the Google drive tool.


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How to Cite
Caballero Montero , B. H., Pachas Velez, F., Caballero Montero, V. E., & Silarayan Ruiz, L. A. (2023). The use of Google drive and the production of written texts in students of a national university, 2023. Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(4), e3641. Retrieved from


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