Martiano III book: its contextualization in the conception of teaching tasks of Biology at the preuniversity school level

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Marta Betancourt Gandul
Concepción Álvarez Yong
Zaida Betancourt Betancourt


The study of Marti´s texts contained in Student’s Book III and the definition of the didactic resources for their use in the pedagogic al practice allow to present in this article a group of educational tasks of Biology at Pre University School level, contextualiz ed in Marti´s texts and put into practice in the initial formation of Natural Sciences Professors for Pre University School level.


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How to Cite
Betancourt Gandul, M., Álvarez Yong, C., & Betancourt Betancourt, Z. (2009). Martiano III book: its contextualization in the conception of teaching tasks of Biology at the preuniversity school level. Mendive. Journal on Education, 7(2), 123–128. Retrieved from


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