Inverted physics classroom implemented in Moodle, learning and acceptance by students
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The combination of the didactic strategy of the flipped classroom and the use of virtual platforms is becoming more important every day due to the weighting of the student's role in the self-management of their learning from a collaborative space. The objective of this article is to socialize the learning results and the level of acceptance of the students of an Atomic and Nuclear Physics course applying the flipped classroom modality implemented in the Moodle platform, in the initial training of Physics teachers at the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas. A dialectical materialist methodological approach was followed that combines quantitative and qualitative methods from a case study made up of a single group. To measure learning, a chronological series design was followed with seven cuts in each of the course topics and to inquire about acceptance, a survey was applied to the students. To process the data and illustrate the results, bar graphs and Chernoff Faces were used, which allowed revealing correlations between the different items of the survey and the final learning results. The learning results and the level of acceptance declared by the students, from their perception, are generally high and corroborate the potential of the flipped classroom implemented in Moodle.
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