Psychopedagogical conception for the metacognitive stimulation in the initial training of the Bachelor of Education

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Nielvis Senra Pérez
María Magdalena López Rodríguez del Rey
Gisela Bravo López


The article presents a proposal for a psychopedagogical conception for the metacognitive stimulation of students in the initial training of the Bachelor of Education, at the university of Cienfuegos in Cuba. The study leads to the idea of recognizing this conception from a psycho-pedagogical position of the subject in a learning situation to adopt pedagogical and didactic alternatives for the articulation of this metacognitive process in all training activities, since the student not only learns and is trained in academic activities, but also in extra-teaching activities. The objective was aimed at socializing the main results of the theoretical and methodological modeling for this type of guidance activity in universities from a psycho-pedagogical approach. A concurrent or mixed methodology was assumed, with emphasis on the qualitative, which consists of linking empirical, theoretical, modeling and matematical-statistical methods. In the same way, the forms of implementation and evaluation of the scientific result that is conceived are established. The result includes resources that guide towards the pedagogical concretion of actions leading to self-knowledge and self-regulation, facilitating decision-making, life projects; generating a proactive attitude oriented to the personal, professional and social development of students. It proposes the requirements, according to its theoretical-methodological nature, which will make it a viable option to guide the intervention of teachers towards the metacognitive stimulation of students and for its methodological implementation sequence; as well as the approach to the methodological and practical challenges of the proposal.


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Senra Pérez, N., López Rodríguez del Rey, M. M., & Bravo López, G. (2023). Psychopedagogical conception for the metacognitive stimulation in the initial training of the Bachelor of Education. Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(3), e3363. Retrieved from


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