Didactic conception of the process of curricular flexibilization through educational multimodalities: main scientific ideas

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Ana Milena Morales Sossa
Elvia María González Agudelo
María Isabel Duque Roldan


The contradiction between curricular rigidity and flexibility is one of those challenges that today acquires new nuances in light of the complexities of the current context, particularly given the mission of the Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia in Colombia. The objective of this article was to provide the basis for a didactic conception based on multimodalities to make curricula more flexible in Higher Education. The research was developed within the qualitative design because it belongs to the social sciences or of the spirit and is developed from a hermeneutic approach, which allowed to place the subject of the research in other positions that allowed to start from their experience and the experience of others. For this, a group of articles derived from research published in indexed journals, master's theses, undergraduate theses and doctoral theses were selected, thus completing and being able to carry out a process of understanding, interpretation and synthesis of this reading, which is called PRACCIS, the acronym for the stages that support it (Prejudices, Reflection, Analysis, Comparison, Comprehension, Interpretation and Synthesis). The main results remerged in the identification of the scientific ideas that make up the didactic conception of the process, which made it possible to interpret curricular flexibilization from an innovative and creative theoretical perspective based on the dynamic and coherent use of multimodalities.


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How to Cite
Morales Sossa, A. M., González Agudelo, E. M., & Duque Roldan, M. I. (2023). Didactic conception of the process of curricular flexibilization through educational multimodalities: main scientific ideas. Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(2), e3293. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/3293
Author Biographies

Ana Milena Morales Sossa, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Elvia María González Agudelo, Universidad de Antioquía

María Isabel Duque Roldan, Universidad de Antioquia



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