Mathematical thinking in early childhood: teaching strategies of preschool educators

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Ana Milena Mujica- Stach
Maximina Márquez Torres


Although there are various theories regarding the development of mathematical thinking in early childhood, there is a gap in the application of didactic strategies to enhance its development. The research was aimed at analyzing the essential characteristics of the categories Development of Mathematical Thought and Didactic Strategies, identifying and interpreting the didactic strategies used by nursery educators to develop mathematical thinking in girls and boys, aged between 2 and 4 years, in Chilean classrooms. The sample consisted of 7 key informants, who practice their profession in different regions of Chile. A qualitative method with an interpretive approach was used, which allowed describing, categorizing and theorizing about the realization of the aforementioned constructs. The conclusions highlight the importance of designing didactic strategies that favor the development of mathematical thinking in girls and boys, which is based on the experimentation and interaction of collective, playful and interactive activities that are coupled with pedagogical support. The foregoing makes it possible for the teaching and learning of mathematics to move away from traditional methods, and allow its development as a future thought.


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How to Cite
Mujica- Stach, A. M., & Márquez Torres, M. (2022). Mathematical thinking in early childhood: teaching strategies of preschool educators. Mendive. Journal on Education, 20(4), 1338–1352. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Ana Milena Mujica- Stach, Universidad de Los Lagos

Académica del Departamento de Educación de la Universidad de Los Lagos. Profesora de Educación Preescolar con titulo revalidado en Chile, Doctora en Educación


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