Methodology for evaluation in the educational process of preschool children

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Yaser Ramírez Benítez
Bárbara Bermúdez Monteagudo
Lidia Mercedes Lara Díaz


The evaluation in the educational process is fundamental to direct the development of the preschool child in an integral way. This research aims to present the results of the implementation of a methodology for the evaluation of comprehensive development in the educational process of preschool children. For the implementation of the methodology, the "Veinte Primaveras" nursery school of the Cienfuegos municipality was selected in the 2018 - 2019 academic year. The research sample was made up of 93 students according to selection criteria: (1) children between the 4th and 6th year of life (between 3 and 6 years), (2) stay e" 6 months in the institution. To carry out the research, theoretical (historical-logical, analytical-synthetic and modeling) and empirical (observation, interview, document analysis and discussion group) methods were used. The application of the methodology in the educational practice allowed the educators to express a positive opinion about the proposal: (1) the methodology offers ordered actions to direct the evaluation of the integral development during the educational process, (2) the proposal offers actions that allow exchange educator - family to carry out the evaluation, and (3) allows the use of various pedagogical situations to assess the physical, cognitive and affective development of the child and make decisions regarding their education and development.


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Ramírez Benítez, Y., Bermúdez Monteagudo, B., & Lara Díaz, L. M. (2022). Methodology for evaluation in the educational process of preschool children. Mendive. Journal on Education, 20(2), 555–568. Retrieved from


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