Published: 2009-03-25

Graph time: content History or Mathematics?

Víctor José Hernández Rodríguez, Justo Nilo Martínez Suárez, María Antonia Dopico Reyes


About the background of the Education for Peace

Pedro Luis González Rivera, Deogracia Hernández Rodríguez, Elia Valle Rodríguez


Antonio Maceo: Agent General of the Provisional Revolutionary Government to the Cuban emigration (I)

José Antonio Navarro Álvarez, Alberto Pujada Meléndez, Luis A. Massón Hernández


Some theoretical considerations about the importance of teaching spelling

Moraima Pérez Barrera, Marialina García Escobio, Teresa Iglesias Hernández


In Cuba political culture is culture of liberation

María Isabel López Pretil, Sonia Pérez Reyes
