The formation of the modeler capacitance mathematics in the enginee

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Raudel Torrecilla Díaz
Raquel Diéguez Batista
Leandro Hall Aguilar


From the problematic ex istent thing in the horse racings of engineering, establishes to him the need to develop a model of the dynamics of the process of formation of the modeler capacitance mathematics sustained in the dialectic report between the logic of the mathematics and t he logic of the engineering as of a new conception when presenting the contents and by answering the interest to resolve own situations of the profession. Reveal the categories and the existent relations between the different configurations that agree the proposal of a model of the dynamic abovementioned in links.


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How to Cite
Torrecilla Díaz, R., Diéguez Batista, R., & Hall Aguilar, L. (2015). The formation of the modeler capacitance mathematics in the enginee. Mendive. Journal on Education, 13(2), 150–156. Retrieved from


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