Educational assistance to students with physical handicaps

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Anselmo Vázquez Vázquez
Svetlana Akudovich
Katia M. Pérez Pacheco


The present study was developed with the aim of determining the state of educational attention to students with handicaps. The Methods used are: General dialectical, Historic and logical and Systemic, Observation, Interview and Survey. As sample were taken 20 teachers and 100% of the students with handicaps from the faculty. Results: The educational assistance to students with ha ndi caps is being given empirically , regulations and guidelines from the Higher Ministry of Education related to handicaps are not known; There is scarce knowledge about the characteristics of handicaps and needs of guidance for effective learning. It recog nizes the importance of providing necessary resources for inclusion in the Higher Education.


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How to Cite
Vázquez Vázquez, A., Akudovich, S., & Pérez Pacheco, K. M. (2015). Educational assistance to students with physical handicaps. Mendive. Journal on Education, 13(2), 189–196. Retrieved from


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