Educational guidance needs in families of people with disabilities: a challenge for nursing staff

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Alicia Morales Iturio
Alfonso Romero de la O
Anselmo Vázquez Vázquez


The present study is developed motivated by the importance of recognizing the educational guidance needs of family members of people with disabilities who live in the community, and the role of nursing staff in this sensitive work. The objective is proposed: to characterize the behavior of the educational guidance needs of families of people with disabilities in the Acamixtla community, Municipality of Taxco de Alarcón, Guerrero, Mexico, using historical-logical and analysis-synthesis as theoretical methods, as well as the survey and the group interview as empirical level methods. We worked with a sample of 12 family members of people with disabilities from the community, selected from a non-probabilistic and intentional sampling. The results reflected that the need to receive some type of educational guidance is recognized, especially regarding knowledge about disability, health management and educational management; as well as the relevant role of nursing staff in meeting the educational guidance needs of families. It is concluded that it is necessary to design educational actions from the perspectives of primary health care, which strengthen this sector that is so sensitive and demanding of support.


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How to Cite
Morales Iturio, A., Romero de la O, A., & Vázquez Vázquez, A. (2024). Educational guidance needs in families of people with disabilities: a challenge for nursing staff . Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(3), e3754. Retrieved from


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