Didactic strategy to improve the teaching-learning process of translation
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This article shows the main results of a doctoral research that focuses on the eradication of deficiencies that affect the teaching of translation in the Faculty of Spanish for Non-Spanish Speakers of the University of Havana. The objective is to present a didactic strategy, based on the task-based approach, for the improvement of the teaching-learning process of translation as a dynamic agent in the training of the future translator. The dialectical-materialist method was used as a general method, as well as methods of the theoretical level: the historical-logical, induction-deduction and analysis-synthesis. At the empirical level, the review of documents, the survey, the interview, the pedagogical test, the pre-experiment and expert consultation were used. The strategy is made up of theoretical foundations, principles and premises, characteristics, stages and a methodology in which the previous components are specified as a guide to the translation teaching-learning process towards its improvement. Methodological workshops were held to insert the work of the rest of the disciplines of the degree as support in the implementation of the strategy. The results obtained so far corroborated the effectiveness of the proposal, adding that it was possible to create a contract that allows students to carry out their preprofessional practices in the Translators and Interpreters Services Team of Cuba. The progress made exposed the real possibility of achieving higher levels of mastery of translation skills in students as future promoters of dialogue between cultures and nations.
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