Quality factors in the professional accounting career at the Peruvian public university

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Manuel Alberto Hidalgo Tupia
Javier Ricardo Melgarejo Morales
Juan Antonio Arrunategui Aguirre
Carmen Pichardo-Luján


University quality, currently required by law, is conditioning the permanence of universities in the educational market; For this reason, the objective of this research was to carry out an analysis of the factors that allow the educational quality of the professional accounting career in the Peruvian public university. For this purpose, the inductive method was used, with the systematic analysis and review of documents linked to accreditation processes in careers of the Faculty of Accounting Sciences, taking as reference the Accreditation Model applicable in Peru. The results indicate that, despite the economic difficulties, due to State budget restrictions, the public university has implemented actions that clearly highlight academic quality. Among these factors we have: periodic review of the graduation profile, through the performance of academic events at the beginning of the semester that allow different interest groups to gather and collect suggestions for improving said profile; On the other hand, the implementation of tutoring programs is allowing the academic environment to improve and therefore educational achievements; However, there are some gaps in reference to the accreditation model, which, in some way, tend to be opportunities for continuous improvement.


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How to Cite
Hidalgo Tupia, M. A., Melgarejo Morales, J. R., Arrunategui Aguirre, J. A., & Pichardo-Luján, C. (2024). Quality factors in the professional accounting career at the Peruvian public university. Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(1), e3663. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/3663


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