Interdisciplinarity in the integrating teaching tasks of the Investigative Labor Training discipline

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Madelyn Fernández Barrios
Elida Fredesvinda Cordero Peña
Ana Cecilia Jerez González
Caridad Rodríguez Delgado


Study Plan E in the Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Education has Investigative Work Training as its main integrating discipline and brings together the contents of the exercise of the profession, the Educational Research Methodology and Agricultural Didactics. In the exploratory study, weaknesses were observed related to the planning, orientation, execution and evaluation of teaching tasks with an interdisciplinary nature for the solution of professional problems and these do not always stimulate students to search, investigate and problematize the content they they learn. . For this reason, this article aimed to socialize methodological indications for the treatment of interdisciplinarity in integrative teaching tasks and its contribution to the development of modes of action harmonizing different systems of influences according to educational contexts. The general dialectical-materialist method was used, as well as theoretical level methods such as: historical-logical analysis, induction-deduction and analysis-synthesis. At the empirical level, the review of documents, the survey, the interview, performance observation and visits to the work practice were used. A workshop was held to validate the methodological indications for their practical assessment. This result was introduced five years ago in Pinar del Río, showing satisfactory partial results in the integrative exams applied.


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How to Cite
Fernández Barrios, M., Cordero Peña, E. F., Jerez González, A. C., & Rodríguez Delgado, C. (2023). Interdisciplinarity in the integrating teaching tasks of the Investigative Labor Training discipline. Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(1), e3559. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Madelyn Fernández Barrios, University of Pinar del Rio "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Cuba

Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas y profesora Titular del Departamento de Ciencias Agropecuarias de la Universidad de Pinar de Río Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca

Elida Fredesvinda Cordero Peña, University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Cuba

Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas y profesora Titular del Departamento de Ciencias Agropecuarias de la Universidad de Pinar de Río Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca

Ana Cecilia Jerez González, Universidad de Pinar del Río

Máster en Educación y profesora Auxiliar del Departamento de Ciencias Agropecuarias de la Universidad de Pinar de Río Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca

Caridad Rodríguez Delgado, University of Pinar del Río"Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Cuba

Máster en Educación y profesora Auxiliar del Departamento de Ciencias Agropecuarias de la Universidad de Pinar de Río Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca


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