Inclusive practices: their social representation in students of the Nursing Career of the Autonomous University of Guerrero

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Alicia Morales Iturio
Anselmo Vázquez Vázquez
Blanca Estela Sánchez Jaimes
Martha Rodríguez Lugo


The article focuses on the problem of educational inclusion, seen from the perspective of a group of students of the Nursing Career of the Autonomous University of Guerrero, who from their teaching practices offered a very interesting overview of their representation of a fundamental aspect of this phenomenon: inclusive practices. The objective was to characterize the social representation of inclusive practices in Nursing students. The study followed a methodological strategy with a mixed quantitative-quantitative design, using empirical methods for data collection such as the questionnaire, the Likert-type scale and the focus group. The most relevant result obtained was that the social representation of inclusive practices in the community of nursing students studied is still insufficient and deserves more attention, as well as the design of innovative strategies and proposals that allow the educational transformation that is currently needed. In conclusion, the research provides knowledge about the social representations held by students, favoring the understanding of the different groups of the study, in order to influence, from their representations in the transformation of inclusive practices in the faculty.


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How to Cite
Morales Iturio, A., Vázquez Vázquez, A., Sánchez Jaimes, B. E., & Rodríguez Lugo, M. (2023). Inclusive practices: their social representation in students of the Nursing Career of the Autonomous University of Guerrero. Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(4), e3531. Retrieved from


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