Proposal of a system of workshops for the training of university students who love art

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Pablo Torres Rodríguez
Osmani Alvarez Bencomo
Uberto Mario Hernández Guerra
Manuel Vento Ruizcalderón


The article is based on a study of the tendential, conceptual and contextual framework of the training process of students who are fond of art. The objective was to socialize a system of workshops for the training of amateur students, which emphasized the manifestations of plastic arts and locution at the University of Pinar del Río ¨Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca¨. The main theoretical methods used were the historical-logical and empirical ones such as the interview, the survey, the observation and the documentary analysis. The main results were the system of training workshops for amateur students that contributes to the promotion of culture with a marked influence on their comprehensive training and enabled its possible generalization to various contexts and artistic manifestations. The conclusions derived from the training workshops for university students, as art lovers, contribute to the promotion of culture in the university and territorial community, all of which contributes to the social commitment of the Cuban university in fulfillment of its mission.


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Torres Rodríguez, P., Alvarez Bencomo, O., Hernández Guerra, U. M., & Vento Ruizcalderón, M. (2023). Proposal of a system of workshops for the training of university students who love art. Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(3), e3275. Retrieved from


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