Affectivity as a strategy against school violence
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The study focused on the importance of affectivity in the socio-emotional development of students and the formation of social characteristics at home to connect with the educational community, where emotional capacities are put into practice in various conflict situations. The objective is to identify the factors that influence school violence, through a bibliographic review and placing the family nucleus as the main indicator of the socio-emotional development of boys and girls, to propose strategies that generate an atmosphere of affection in the classroom. The research approach was qualitative, based on a bibliographic review, with a comparative analysis of studies, methods, results and conclusions from bibliographic sources of different scientific journals. Finally, the central ideas of several authors were synthesized and divided into three important aspects such as: affectivity as a solution to school conflicts, the influence of the family nucleus on violent behavior in the classroom and strategies to generate an environment of affectivity in the classroom, which helps to reduce aggressive behavior in students in the school context. It was concluded by affirming the importance of affectivity in the development of social and emotional skills in education; certain family factors that trigger violent behavior in the classroom were established and evaluative indicators were proposed to recognize environments of coexistence and a culture of peace in educational institutions.
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