The Caribbean Literature and the Intercultural Competence in the formation of Teachers of English

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Nelson Careaga Pendás
Alexis Pérez Ramírez
Rodolfo Acosta Padrón


The development of the intercultural competence in students of foreign languages is a need today in Cuba. The intercultural competence can be developed in the experiential, but also in the teaching context. This article shows how the use of Caribbean literature, which is content of the subject History of the English-Speaking People´s Culture III contributed to the development of the intercultural competence in students of Foreign Language at the University of Pinar del Río. As theoretical methods were used: the dialectic, the historical, the logic, the systemic and the modelling; as empirical methods were used: the observation, the document analysis, the interview the pre-experiment and the descriptive statistics. A strategy composed by a set of actions focused on the use of literary texts with interactive tasks was proposed. These tasks drew students to the development of the intercultural competence. The strategy was applied with Foreign Language students from fourth year, achieving satisfactory results in terms of interculturality.


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Careaga Pendás, N., Pérez Ramírez, A., & Acosta Padrón, R. (2023). The Caribbean Literature and the Intercultural Competence in the formation of Teachers of English. Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(1), e3130. Retrieved from


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