How to design a program of clinical biochemistry, for health technicians in clinical laboratory profile taking into account the new teaching approaches?

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Mercedes Moleiro Hernández
Osvaldo Echevarría Ceballos


The formation process of the Licentiate in Health Technology of the profile of Clinical Laboratory is based in the mastery of the essential knowledge that, linked with the performance ways, allow him the solution of the professional problems he faces, as part of the health team of his specialty, so that within his teaching curriculum a group of subjects are included which have a special linking with the labor practice that the students carry out, on the base of a new didactic approach, starting from invariants of didactics as science which energize the teaching-learning process, and taking as base structure the didactic unity, which makes possible that the student consolidates his learning, achieving partial objectives, but around a well defined object of learning.


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How to Cite
Moleiro Hernández, M., & Echevarría Ceballos, O. (2007). How to design a program of clinical biochemistry, for health technicians in clinical laboratory profile taking into account the new teaching approaches?. Mendive. Journal on Education, 5(3), 208–212. Retrieved from


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