The basic bibliography: half essential in the subject Elements of Economy and Labor Legislation

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Juan Alberto Mena Lorenzo
Marionel Acosta Rodriguez
Adolfo Ricardo Lazo Lorente


The knowledge have more than enough economy and labor legislation they play an important paper in the acting of any professional of half level. These contents have been incorporate to the plans of study of the industrial specialties during the last 10 years; however, the bibliographical support that exists for the work of the educational ones and the study of the students is not enough what has caused affectations in the teaching-learning process. Assisting it, the objective of this article is the one of characterizing the state of the basic bibliography of the subject Elements of Economy and Labor Legislation of the industrial branch, so he allows to make decisions to the professors and specialists of the companies that these contents work, in function of improving the information of the students during the teaching-learning process. The search of information was possible with the use of methods of the empiric level as: revision of documents; interviews to educational, you interview to students and observation of educational activities. As a result a characterization was obtained that allows to know the situation in that that he finds this important means of teaching in the process of teaching-learning of the subject Elements of Economy and Labor Legislation of the industrial branch in the industrial specialties in Pinegrove of the River.


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How to Cite
Mena Lorenzo, J. A., Acosta Rodriguez, M., & Lazo Lorente, A. R. (2020). The basic bibliography: half essential in the subject Elements of Economy and Labor Legislation. Mendive. Journal on Education, 18(2), 315–325. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Juan Alberto Mena Lorenzo, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"

Licenciado en Educación, especialidad Construcción de Maquinarias, Ingeniero Mecánico, Máster en Pedagogía Profesional, Dr. C Pedagógicas.

Marionel Acosta Rodriguez, Centro Politécnico 1ro de mayo

Jefe de departamento y profesor de la asignatura Elementos de Economía y Legislación Laboral en el Centro Politécnico 1ro de mayo

Adolfo Ricardo Lazo Lorente, Universidad de Pinar del Rio

Metodólogo de la secretaría docente


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