Metacognitive learning in english writing as a foreign language by university students

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Janneth Verónica Chumaña Suquillo
Sara Patricia Jiménez Noboa
César Mauricio Martínez Verdesoto


The metacognitive approach in the teaching-learning process is based on the ability of students to know how they achieve their own knowledge. Particularly in the teaching of English as a foreign language, the literature documents its applicability and usefulness in the development of different communication skills, such as writing. The metacognitive learning process around this skill is based at least on planning, textualization and revision of texts. The objective of the research was to identify identity if metacognitive learning is achieved in students who study English as a foreign language in the School of Languages of the University Pontific Catholic of Ecuador. A qualitative research was developed, with the application of theoretical and empirical methods. An interview questionnaire was applied to 18 students of a study group of the School of Languages; the results were analyzed qualitatively, and descriptive statistics was used with the use of Microsoft Excel, where possible. It was identified that the planning phase is the one performed least by the students; the most used practices are the reading of instructions, writing of the central idea, review of the text and feedback from the teacher. Metacognitive learning traits are recognized in the students at the School of Languages. The analysis from the metacognitive point of view in the writing of English is important for the development of didactic strategies that make easier the university students meaningful learning.


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How to Cite
Chumaña Suquillo, J. V., Jiménez Noboa, S. P., & Martínez Verdesoto, C. M. (2019). Metacognitive learning in english writing as a foreign language by university students. Mendive. Journal on Education, 17(4), 539–548. Retrieved from


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